Circular and temporary migration during COVID-19 in Poland, Spain, the Netherlands and Germany
The Work package 3 team led by Patrycja Matusz has published three case studies on circular and temporary migration, with policy recommendations in the last chapters. Please read:
- Patrycja Matusz and Eirini Aivaliotou (2020) Circular and temporary migration in Poland during COVID-19. AdMiGov Deliverable 3.2. Wroclaw: University of Wroclaw.
- Berta Güell and and Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas (2020) Agricultural seasonal workers in times of COVID-19 in Spain. AdMiGov Deliverable 3.3. Barcelona: CIDOB.
- Jeroen Doomernik, Wendelien Barkema and Vincenzo Gomes (2020) How (seasonal) agricultural demands for labour are met by immigrant workers in the Netherlands and Germany. AdMiGov Deliverable 3.4. Amsterdam: UvA.