Part 1 Massive Open Online Course on Migration available
The ADMIGOV Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Series can be found at the ADMIGOV media channel, with key discussions, concepts and empirical findings, made suitable for students and all who want to learn about the topic. Production: Baris Ozcan, Nilay Kavur and Dr. Ayşen Üstübici
- Introduction Anja van Heelsum introduces the overall ideas of the project Advancing Alternative Migration Governance (1,24 minutes)
- Workpackage 1 MOOC on Entry Governance full version (33 minutes) with Julien Jeandesboz from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Belgium
You can also see the MOOC in four episodes:
- Episode 1: Julien Jeandesboz, introduces the first work package of ADMIGOV: the Governance of Entry (6,43 minutes).
- Episode 2: Patterns of Entry in the EU (14,43 minutes)
- Episode 3 The Law of Entry Julien Jeandesboz explains the law of entry in the EU. The team made an institutional and legal mapping of regular entry governance (6,30 minutes)
- Episode 4 Julien Jeandesboz explains EU entry in practice. The team has investigated three on-the-ground situations: a sea border (the island of Lesvos in Greece), a land border (the Terespol/Brest border crossing between Belarus and Poland), and an air border (the Brussels National Airport). (7,44 minutes)