Part 4 Massive Open Online Course on Protection
Polly Pallister-Wilkins, Gabriella Travato, Ayşen Üstübici, Natasha Anastasiadou, Alexandra Zavos, Fabio Catini and Akis Papataxiarchis
present the 4th AdMiGov
Massive Open Online Course
Protection in the Borderlands of Europe

The fourth AdMiGov Open Online Course (MOOC) is now available here.
The subject of MOOC 4 is protection in the borderlands of Europe, and of people in the move. It captures both the procedures and practices around the protection of migrants in the borderlands of Europe and of people on the move and elaborates on various gaps in protection. One can see the MOOC in total (see above link) or the seperate episodes:
– “Introduction: What is protection?” with Polly Pallister-Wilkins (University of Amsterdam)
– “The case of Lebanon” with Gabriella Trovato (American University of Beirut)
– “The case of Turkey”, with Ayşen Üstübici (Koç University)
– “The case of Lesbos/Greece” with Natasha Anastasiadou (University of the AEGEAN)
– “The case of Athens/Greece”, with Alexandra Zavos (University of the AEGEAN)
– “The Central Mediterranean Route (CMR) and the Eastern Mediterranean Route (EMR)” with Fabio Catini (Mixed Migration Centre of the Danish Refugee Council)
– “Conclusion: Gaps in protection in Greece, Turkey and Lebanon” with Akis Papataxiarchis (University of the AEGEAN)
This is the fourth AdMiGov MOOC. By the end of the project, the series will consist of six MOOCS at the ADMIGOV media channel, with key discussions, concepts and empirical findings, and made suitable for students and all who want to learn about the topic. Production: Baris Ozcan, Dr. Ayşen Üstübici and Dr. Nilay Kavur.