Webinar Series Zooming in on Migration and Asylum
H2020 Webinar series
A number of EU-funded Horizon 2020 research and innovation projects focus on migration and asylum, issues which remain at the top of the agenda for European policymakers and publics alike. In this new webinar series, we join forces to expand our collective knowledge base on some of today’s most pressing dynamics, including protracted displacement, the notion of crisis in the field of migration and asylum, internal displacement, refugee-driven solutions, and alternatives to current migration governance. The series aims to facilitate evidence-based discussions and action at multiple levels.
TRAFIG, ADMIGOV, MAGYC, and MIGNEX are co-organizing the webinar series. We invite other H2020 projects in the field of migration and displacement research to contribute as well. Please contact us, if you wish to provide insights from your project.
The Format
With its launch back-to-back with the World Refugee Day 2020, this webinar series draws upon the research teams involved in different H2020 projects and their respective findings. The webinars will be held once a month starting in June 2020, with the lead rotating between partners. Each 90min-webinar will be conducted via the webinar platform Zoom. The audience can pose questions via the Q&A format.
The Programme
#1: Doing research on migration and asylum. Responsibilities and limits. 30 June 2020, hosted by TRAFIG
#2: How The Pandemic Changed Migration Governance As We Knew It. 25 August 2020, hosted by MAGYC
#3: Access to Europe: Governing the entry of third-country nationals in the European Union. 29 September 2020, hosted by ADMIGOV
#4: Comparing Crises across multiple Formations and Locations 27 October 2020, hosted by MAGYC
You can register for the webinar series here. You will receive a confirmation email upon registration.
The first meeting has taken place and will soon be online:
30 June 2020, 13:00 – 14:30 CET: #1: Doing research on migration and asylum. Responsibilities and limits