Online Workshop: The Governance of Exit
In work package 2 on Exit our team made an overview of regular exit governance, including a) deportation, and b) voluntary assisted return. Deportation is investigated in more detail with qualitative research in Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, and Spain, looking into the feasibility, efficiency and investment-return ratio of the operative models. The viewpoints of representatives of Frontex and civil society initiatives are also considered. Voluntary return is investigated with in-depth interviews with returnees in Senegal, Albania and Iraq to see whether sustainable reintegration is possible. In the final report we will explore and suggest realistic, safer, more orderly and humane exit regimes for EU countries.
Chair: Barak Kalir
10:00-10:05 Anja van Heelsum – Welcome
10:05-10:30 Barak Kalir – Introduction to Work Package 2: the governance of Exit and case study research in Spain, the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark (link to the report)
10:30-10:40 Q&A led by Barak Kalir
10:40-10:55 Markus Gonzales Beilfuss and Julia Koopmans – Alternatives to pre-removal detention and legal pathways to legalization (link to report)
10:55-11:10 Q&A led by Barak Kalir
11:10-11:20 Break
11:20-11:40 Talitha Dubow and Katie Kushminder – Sustainable reintegration: case studies from Albania, Senegal and Iraq (link to report)
11:40-12:00 Q&A led by Barak Kalir
12:00-12:15 Martin Lemberg-Pedersen – Frontex and Exit Governance: Dataveillence, Civil Society and Markets for Border Control (link to report)
12:15-12:30 Q&A led by Barak Kalir
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