Zooming in on Migration and Asylum Webinar #13
The governance of exit regimes and sustainable reintegration post-exit
25 January 2022, 13:00 – 14:30 CET.
Available on YouTube
The return of irregular migrants has become in recent years an increasingly urgent matter for the EU and its member states. In this webinar we shall present some findings from the AdMiGov project that examined the working of different exit regimes across the EU. By exit regime we refer to the state institutions, legal procedures, civil society actors and private companies that are involved in ensuring that irregular migrants will exit the sovereign territory of Member States. Our research project has adopted a holistic approach to the examination of the governance of exit. We thus attempted to map and compare different models across Member States. Next to the work of state institutions, we also examined the involvement of Frontex and its collaboration with state actors as well as with civil-society organizations and private companies. Realizing that mobility can be a continuous process, we included an evaluation of the sustainability of returnees’ reintegration post-exit. And in trying to encourage creative new policies – rather than simply focusing on improvement of current ones – we investigated the possibilities and effects of working with alternatives to pre-removal detention of irregular migrants as well as with potential legal pathways for the legalization of status for certain irregular migrants.
Barak Kalir, University of Amsterdam
- Barak Kalir (University of Amsterdam) Exit regimes in four European countries
- Katie Kushminder and Talitha Dubow (University of Maastricht) Sustainable return and reintegration
Zenep Sahin-Mencütek, BICC, Germany
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