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Advancing Alternative Migration Governance

Zooming in on Migration and Asylum Webinar #3

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Access to Europe: Governing the Entry of third-country nationals in the European Union

29 September 2020 from 13:00-14:30 CET.
Missed it? You can watch the webinar on Youtube.  

With a view to contributing to the discussion on the EU’s “New Pact on Migration and Asylum”, the webinar examines these questions and presents the findings of research undertaken on “Entry Governance” of the Advancing Alternative Migration Governance project, funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Presentations will examine how access is framed through the law and political economy of entry governance. They will also discuss how access effectively takes place, looking at operational case studies conducted at the air (Belgium), land (Poland) and sea (Greece) external borders of the European Union.

  • How do third-country nationals access the territory of European Union and Schengen states?
  • Which rules apply to them, how are these rules and related policies designed, by whom, and how are they applied across different operational contexts?
  • To what extent does the governance of entry in the European Union comply with the political commitments to safe and legal pathways for international protection and for migration outlined in the United Nations Global Compacts for Migrants and for Refugees?

Moderation and host:

Anja van Heelsum, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), ADMIGOV

Invited speakers:

• Martin Lemberg-Pedersen, Aalborg University (Denmark), ADMIGOV

• Patrycja Matusz, University of Wroclaw (Poland), ADMIGOV

• Polly Pallister-Wilkins, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), ADMIGOV


Luca Lixi, Migration Policy Officer at the European Commissions’ DG Research and Innovation