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Advancing Alternative Migration Governance
Zooming In On Migration And Asylum Webinar #4

Zooming in on Migration and Asylum Webinar #4

Comparing Crises – "Migration Crises“ in the Middle East and North Africa 27 October 2020, 13:00 - 14:30 CET.Missed it? You can watch the webinar on YouTube. The narrative of "crisis“ has been dominant in…

Zooming In On Migration And Asylum Webinar #3

Zooming in on Migration and Asylum Webinar #3

Access to Europe: Governing the Entry of third-country nationals in the European Union 29 September 2020 from 13:00-14:30 CET. Missed it? You can watch the webinar on Youtube.   With a view to contributing to…

Zooming In On Migration And Asylum Webinar #2

Zooming in on Migration and Asylum Webinar #2

How the Pandemic changed Migration Governance as we knew it 25 August 2020, 13:00 - 14:30 CET. Two months after the first COVID-19 cases had been reported in China, WHO declared a pandemic on March…

Zooming In On Migration And Asylum Webinar #1

Zooming in on Migration and Asylum Webinar #1

What is the role of academic research in better understanding migration and asylum and informing policymaking in these fields? 30 June 2020, 13:00 - 14:30 CET.Missed it? Available on YouTube Mid-way through each year, UNHCR…

Webinar Series Zooming In On Migration And Asylum

Webinar Series Zooming in on Migration and Asylum

H2020 Webinar series Background A number of EU-funded Horizon 2020 research and innovation projects focus on migration and asylum, issues which remain at the top of the agenda for European policymakers and publics alike. In…

Call By EU Funded Researchers

Call by EU funded researchers

CLICK HERE to read the call of concerned EU-researchers  directed to Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission. It is a letter of concern that has been drafted and signed by…

The Political Economy Of Entry Governance

The political economy of entry governance

Paper online: Deliverable 1.3 Lemberg-Pedersen, M., Rübner Hansen, J., and Halpern, O.J. (2020) The political economy of entry governance. AdMiGov Paper D1.3. Copenhagen: Aalborg University.