Part 3 Massive Open Online Course on Exit Policies
Barak Kalir, Arja Oomkens, Talitha Dubow and Markus Gonzales Beilfuss
present the 3rd AdMiGov
Massive Open Online Course
The Governance of Exit

The third AdMiGov Open Online Course (MOOC) is now available here.
Works package leader Barak Kalir presents, together with Arja Oomkens, Talitha Dubow and Markus Gonzales Beilfuss, the third AdMiGov Massive Open Online Course, introducing the governance of Exit. The MOOC captures the procedures and practices that aim to ensure the exit of non-EU nationals from the EU member-states by the time their visa or permit ends and questions the effectiviness of the approach. It goes on to show how returnees in Senegal, Iraq and Albania try to find a way to reintegrate in their country of origin and what problems they encounter. In the last part of the video one finds suggestions for alternative policies to pre-removal detention and for legal pathways to regularization in line with the Global Compact on Migration.
There is a full version of the video (36 minutes) and it’s poss:ible to see four episodes of the MOOC separately:
Episode 1 Barak Kalir: introducing the governance of Exit (7:42 minutes)
Episode 2 Arja Oomkens: mapping existing Exit regimes (6:27 minutes)
Episode 3 Talitha Dubow: sustainable return and reintegration (15:15 minutes)
Episode 4 Markus Gonzales Beilfuss: alternative policies to pre-removal detention (3:55 minutes)
Episode 5 Markus Gonzales Beilfuss: legal pathways to regularization (3:47 minutes)
This is the third AdMiGov MOOC. By the end of the project, the series will consist of six MOOCS at the ADMIGOV media channel, with key discussions, concepts and empirical findings, and made suitable for students and all who want to learn about the topic. Production: Baris Ozcan, Dr. Ayşen Üstübici and Dr. Nilay Kavur.