Protection of Refugees in Greece, Lebanon and Turkey
The work package 4 team is presenting three new papers, in which they investigate how the UN protection principle is implemented on the ground in three critical situations, namely in Greece, Turkey and Lebanon:
- Polly Pallister-Wilkins, Anastasia Anastasiadou, Alexandra Zavos and Evythimios Papataxiarchis (2021) Protection in a Hostile Environment: An on-the-ground study into protection practices in Lesvos and Athens. AdMiGov Deliverable 4.1. Amsterdam: UvA.
- Sibil Karadağ and Aysen Üstübici (2021) Protection during pre-pandemic and COVID-19 periods in Turkey. AdMiGov Deliverable 4.2. Istanbul: Koç University.
- Maria Gabriella Trovato, Nayla Al-Akl and Dana Ali (2021) Displaced Syrians in Lebanon: Protection amidst Crises. AdMiGov Deliverable 4.3. Beirut: American University of Beirut.