Reports published on the Governance of Exit
The workpackage 2 team, led by Barak Kalir, has published six reports on the governance of exit from the EU:
- Arja Oomkens and Barak Kalir (2020) Legal and operational infrastructures of Exit regimes targeting irregular migrants in the European Union. AdMiGov Deliverable 2.1, Amsterdam: UvA.
- Barak Kalir, Martin Lemberg-Pedersen, Arja Oomkens, Janis Geschke, Markus González Beilfuss, Joan-Josep Vallbé, Oliver Joel Halpern & Wendelien Barkema (2021) EU Exit Regimes in Practice: Case Studies from the Netherlands, Spain, Germany and Denmark. AdMiGov Deliverable 2.2, Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam.
- Martin Lemberg-Pedersen & Oliver Joel Halpern (2021) Frontex and Exit Governance: Dataveillence, Civil Society and Markets for Border Control, AdMiGov Deliverable 2.3, Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen.
- Talitha Dubow and Katie Kuschminder (2021). EU Exit Regimes in Practice: Sustainable Return and Reintegration, ADMIGOV deliverable 2.4, Maastricht: Maastricht University.
- Markus González Beilfuss and Julia Koopmans (2021) Alternatives to pre-removal detention in return procedures in the EU. AdMiGov Deliverable 2.5, Barcelona: University of Barcelona.
- Markus Gonzales-Beilfuss and Julia Koopmans and (2021) Legal pathways to regularisation of illegally staying migrants in EU Member States.AdMiGov Deliverable 2.7, Barcelona: University of Barcelona.