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Advancing Alternative Migration Governance
Online Workshop: The Governance Of Exit

Online Workshop: The Governance of Exit

In work package 2 on Exit our team made an overview of regular exit governance, including a) deportation, and b) voluntary assisted return. Deportation is investigated in more detail with qualitative research in Denmark, the…

Protection Of Refugees In Greece, Lebanon And Turkey

Protection of Refugees in Greece, Lebanon and Turkey

The work package 4 team is presenting three new papers, in which they investigate how the UN protection principle is implemented on the ground in three critical situations, namely in Greece, Turkey and Lebanon: ​​​ Polly Pallister-Wilkins, Anastasia Anastasiadou,…

Part 1 Massive Open Online Course On Migration Available

Part 1 Massive Open Online Course on Migration available

MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSES The ADMIGOV Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Series can be found at the ADMIGOV media channel, with key discussions, concepts and empirical findings, made suitable for students and all who want…

Webinar WP3 Seasonal migrant workers during COVID-19 on YouTube

26 January 2021, 13:00 - 14:30 CET "Seasonal migrant workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic" You can see this webinar on YouTube.   Chair: Patrycja Matusz, University of Wroclaw, Poland Participating researchers, presenting case studies on seasonal and temporary labour…

Zooming In On Migration And Asylum Webinar #7

Zooming in on Migration and Asylum Webinar #7

26 January 2021, 13:00 - 14:30 CET "Seasonal migrant workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic" Now available on YouTube. Chair: Patrycja Matusz, University of Wroclaw, Poland Participating researchers, presenting case studies on seasonal and temporary labour migration in Spain, Poland, Germany…

Migrants In Greece And Italy: 4Mi Snapshots

Migrants in Greece and Italy: 4Mi snapshots

The Mixed Migration Centre that is part of the Danish Refugee Council, has published three 4Mi snapshots. The snapshots are based on the data gathered for ADMIGOV and provide an overview of the routes that…

Protection In Lesvos During Covid—19: A Critical Failure

Protection in Lesvos during Covid—19: A critical failure

Download the paper here: Pallister-Wilkins, P., A. Anastasiadou and E. Papataxiarchis (2020), Protection in Lesvos during Covid-19: A critical failure, ADMIGOV interim report (deliverable 4.1.), Mytilene: University of the Aegean.